
Ortega-Jimenez V. M., Gardner A. M. Burton J. C. 2023. Ticks’ attraction to electrically charged host. Trends Parasitol 2427. (Published online).

Ortega-Jimenez V. M., Jusufi A., Brown C. E., Zeng Y., Kumar S., Sidall R., Kim B., Challita E. J., Pavlik Z., Priess M., Umhofer T., Koh J-S., Socha J.J.,Dudley R., Bhamla S, 2023. Air-to-land transitions: from wingless animals and plant seeds to shuttlecocks and bio-inspired robots. Bioinspir. Biomim. 18:051001. (see VIDEO).

Ortega-Jimenez V. M., Challita E. J., Kim B.,Ko H.,Gwon M., Koh J-S., Bhamla S 2022. Directional Takeoff, Aerial Righting and Adhesion Landing of Semiaquatic Springtails. PNAS 119 (46) e22112831. INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE: New York Times, Science News, Popular Mechanics, New Scientist, Phys Org, Science Daily, Scientias,  etc..  

Kim D., Gwon M., Kim B., Ortega-Jimenez V. M., Han S., Kang D., Bhamla M. S., Koh J-S. 2022. Design of a Biologically Inspired Water-Walking Robot Powered by Artificial Muscle Micromachines 13:627.

Hawkins, O. H., Ortega-Jiménez, V. M., Sanford, C. P. 2022. Knifefish turning control and hydrodynamics during forward swimming. J. Exp. Biol. 225: jeb243498.

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Sanford P. C. 2021. Beyond the Kármán Gait: Knifefish swimming in periodic and irregular vortex streets J. Exp. Biol. 224: jeb238808.

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Sanford P. C. 2020. Knifefish’s Suction Makes Water Boil. Sci. Rep. 10:18698 (see Video).

 Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Herbst E. C., Leung, S. M., Dudley, R. 2020. Natural Barriers: Waterfall Transit by Small Flying Animals. R. Soc. Open Sci. 7: 201185.(Video) INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE: Science Magazine, Sueddeutsche, IFLScience, The Record, FocusTech, Quo, Science Alert, Clarin, National Geographic-Polska, etc.. 

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Kim S-W. N., Dudley, R. 2019. Superb autorotator: rapid decelerations in impulsively launched samaras. J. Roy. Soc. Interface . J. R. 16:20181456 (see Video).

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Combes S. A. 2018. Living in a trash can: Turbulent convective flows impair Drosophila flight performance.  J. Roy. Soc. Interface . J. R. 15: 20180636. PRESS: NEWS at UC-Davis. (see Video

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Dudley, R. 2018. Ascending flight and decelerating vertical glides in Anna’s hummingbirds. J. Exp. Biol. () (see Video)

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., von Rabenau, L., Dudley, R. 2017. Escape jumping by three age-classes of water striders from smooth, wavy and bubbling water surfaces. J. Exp. Biol. 220:28092815. Video.

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Alcantara-Martin A., Fernandez-Feria R., Dudley, R. 2017. On the autorotation of animal wings. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 14:20160870. JOURNAL COVER. Press: La Vanguardia (Barcelona).

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Arriaga-Ramirez, S., Dudley, R. 2016. Meniscus ascent by Thrips (Thysanoptera). Biol. Lett. 12: 20160279.

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Badger, M., Wang, H., Dudley, R. 2016. Into rude air: hummingbird flight performance in unpredictable aerial environments. Phil Trans R Soc B. 371: 20150387.

Badger, M., Ortega-Jimenez, V. M.*, von Rabenau, L., Smiley, A., Dudley, R. 2015. Electrostatic charge on flying hummingbirds and its potential role in pollination. PLOS ONE 10: e0138003. *Corresponding Author.

 Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Sapir, N., Wolf, M., Variano, E., Dudley, R. 2014. Into turbulent air: size-dependent effects of von Kármán vortex streets on hummingbird flight kinematics and energetics. Proc. R. Soc. B. 281: 2014018. INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE: ScienceNews, DailyCal, PBS. 

Kim E. J., Wolf, M., Ortega-Jimenez, V.M.*, Cheng, S., Dudley, R. 2014. Hovering performance of Anna’s Hummingbirds in ground effect. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 11: 20140505. *Corresponding Author.

Wolf, M., Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Dudley, R. 2013. Structure of the vortex wake in hovering Anna’s hummingbirds (Calypte anna). Proc. R. Soc. B. 280: 20132391

 Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Mittal, R., Hedrick, T. L. 2014. Hawkmoth flight performance in tornado-like whirlwind vortices. Bioinspir. Biomim. 9: 025003. INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE: BBC, Phys.Org, LiveScience, CBS.  
 Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Dudley, R.. 2013. Spiderweb deformation induced by electrostatically charged insects. Sci. Rep. 3: 2108. INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE: National Geographic, Science Now, Dailymail, The Telegraph, Le Monde, LiveScience, iO9, RedOrbit, The Verge, The Atlantic, Phys, Dailycal, ScienceDaily, The Hindu, etc. 

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Greeter, J. S., Mittal, R., Hedrick, T. L. 2013. Hawkmoth flight stability in turbulent vortex streets. J. Exp. Biol. 216: 4567–4579. Video

 Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Dudley, R. 2012. Flying in the rain: hovering performance of Anna's Hummingbirds under varied precipitation. Proc. R. Soc. B. 279:3996–4002. INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE: Science Now, New York Times, The Times of London, ABC, Huffington post, Earth Time, Phys.Org, 
 Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Dudley, R. 2012. Aerial shaking performance of wet Anna's Hummingbirds. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 9:1093–1099. INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE: BBC, NBC, Wired, Reuters, Dailymail, NPR, National Geographic, LiveScience, etc. 

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Alvarez-Borrego, S., Arriaga-Ramirez, S., Renner, M., Bridge, S. E. 2011. Maximum load-carrying during takeoff of Cassin’s Auklet and Leach’s Storm-Petrel. Waterbirds 34: 102–106.

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Alvarez-Borrego, S., Arriaga-Ramirez, S. 2011. Parental infanticide in Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) during nest defense. J. Raptor. Res. 45: 93–95.

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Alvarez-Borrego, S. Arriaga-Ramirez, S., Renner, M., Bridge, E. S. 2010. Takeoff flight performance and plumage wettability in Cassin’s Auklet Ptychoramphus aleuticus, Xantus’s Murrelet Synthliboramphus hypoleucus and Leach’s Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa. J. Ornithol. 151:169–177.

Ortega-Jimenez, V. M., Alvarez-Borrego, S. 2010. Alcid feathers wet on one side impede air outflow without compromising resistance to water penetration. Condor 112:172–176.


Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Interface, Biology letters, Animal Behavior, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Integrative and Comparative Biology, Journal of Comparative Physiology B. Frontiers in Zoology, PlosOne, SoftMatter (Royal Society), Huitzil (Journal of Mexican Ornithology).


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